I know, another blog. But whether you’re seeking insights to improve your relationship with food and your body or inspirational anecdotes about eating disorder recovery, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

Who I Was With Bulimia
Sharing some of my darkest moments of struggling with bulimia nervosa from age 12 to 26.

What to Do If Someone Comments on Your Body Over the Holidays
The holidays can be a particularly difficult time if you’re struggling with an eating disorder. Here are some ways to respond when someone makes an unsolicited comment about your (or someone else’s) body or food choices over the holidays.

How I Grew from Compulsive Exerciser to Intuitive Mover
After battling compulsive exercise disorder for nearly 20 years, I managed to find a sustainable, healthy relationship with exercise. Here's how.

Why I Teach My Clients There Are No Good Foods or Bad Foods
There are only healthy or unhealthy eating habits and beliefs

Five Tips to Conquer Your Bathing Suit Anxiety
You can be at ease in your bathing suit without losing weight or changing your body.

Here’s How Much You Should Actually Weigh
And the dangers of aspiring toward any number less.