I know, another blog. But whether you’re seeking insights to improve your relationship with food and your body or inspirational anecdotes about eating disorder recovery, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

How to Know You’re Fully Recovered From an Eating Disorder
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

How to Know You’re Fully Recovered From an Eating Disorder

Many people take the courageous step to enter eating disorder recovery but pull themselves out too soon, leaving them in a quasi-recovered state. Sticking with or re-entering ED treatment can seem grueling, but I can attest it is so very worth it.

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How to Navigate Exercise During Eating Disorder Recovery
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

How to Navigate Exercise During Eating Disorder Recovery

In a world where so many have fallen victim to diet culture, eating disorders, and disordered eating, exercise has transformed from a means of caring for our bodies to a means of manipulating and mistreating them. The good news? Re-establishing a healthy relationship with exercise is not only possible, but it’s also one of the most healing aspects of recovery.

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How I Learned to Shamelessly Eat Ice Cream Again
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

How I Learned to Shamelessly Eat Ice Cream Again

Ice cream was one of my most beloved foods as a child, but diet culture and a battle with an eating disorder completely changed my perspective of it. The good news? I was able to unlearn the toxic beliefs I developed about ice cream and safely and joyfully welcome it back into my life again. Here’s how…

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Five Reasons I’m Grateful I Had an Eating Disorder
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

Five Reasons I’m Grateful I Had an Eating Disorder

Having an eating disorder is a miserable existence. But it (and my commitment to recovery) completely transformed how I view myself and the world. That’s because true healing isn’t just about recovering from something; it’s about recovering to so much more.

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Who I Was With Bulimia
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

Who I Was With Bulimia

Sharing some of my darkest moments of struggling with bulimia nervosa from age 12 to 26.

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Why Your Eating Struggles Are—and Are Not—About the Food
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

Why Your Eating Struggles Are—and Are Not—About the Food

The onset of an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviors does not have one specific cause but is the byproduct of many risk factors working together. Overcoming your food and body struggles depends largely on how severe your disordered eating habits are and whether you have certain mental or physical health conditions that require attention.

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Is It Time to Stop Weighing Yourself?
Mikaela Yeager Mikaela Yeager

Is It Time to Stop Weighing Yourself?

The habit and obsession with weighing yourself is likely doing you little to no good. Perhaps it’s time to rethink your relationship with the scale.

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