I know, another blog. But whether you’re seeking insights to improve your relationship with food and your body or inspirational anecdotes about eating disorder recovery, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

How I Stopped Caring About Being the Thinnest Person in the Room
Decoupling my self-worth from my size while also trying to build body acceptance and confidence was a long, arduous process, and it all began with one very tangled question.

The Day I Realized I Didn’t Have to Run Anymore
How making the very tough decision to not do my typical long Saturday morning run was a launch pad toward finding body acceptance and a healthy relationship with exercise.

How I Conquered My Phobia of Weight Gain When I Stopped Restricting My Food
The fear of weight gain is often the most difficult challenge to face and overcome when you’re recovering from an eating disorder or a long history of dieting. In this post, I share 11 practices I leaned on to help me conquer that fear in hopes they can help you do the same.

Seven Instagram Accounts to Follow for Better Body Image
How social media influencers helped me overcome my eating disorder and the role they play in my work as a recovery coach.

To Anyone Who Wants a Different Body
Here’s how you ou can stop the neverending longing and believe that this body is enough.