I know, another blog. But whether you’re seeking insights to improve your relationship with food and your body or inspirational anecdotes about eating disorder recovery, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

5 Questions to Explore If You Want a Smaller Body
Diet culture and thin glorification are so ingrained in Western society that many don't even think to take a step back and question their legitimacy. This post presents five questions to explore if you’re someone who struggles with chronic dieting or an eating disorder.

The Evolution of Fatphobia and the Thin Ideal
The concept that “thin” is “ideal” or that “fat” is “shameful” did not always exist. Much of the weight stigma we know and experience today is rooted in racism and elitism that dates back several hundreds of years. These beliefs and stereotypes percolated through the fashion and healthcare industries in the early twentieth century and remain woven into the fabric of modern-day society.

How I Conquered My Phobia of Weight Gain When I Stopped Restricting My Food
The fear of weight gain is often the most difficult challenge to face and overcome when you’re recovering from an eating disorder or a long history of dieting. In this post, I share 11 practices I leaned on to help me conquer that fear in hopes they can help you do the same.