I know, another blog. But whether you’re seeking insights to improve your relationship with food and your body or inspirational anecdotes about eating disorder recovery, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

How I Stopped Caring About Being the Thinnest Person in the Room
Decoupling my self-worth from my size while also trying to build body acceptance and confidence was a long, arduous process, and it all began with one very tangled question.

How to Raise Kids to Not Hate Their Bodies
While as a parent or parental figure, you can’t fully control if a child within your sphere of influence will grow to struggle with body image disturbance or an eating disorder, you can help lessen the odds.

Understanding and Overcoming Body Dysmorphic Disorder
I suffered from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) for nearly 15 years. Understanding the realities of this debilitating mental health condition and then doing the work—primarily cognitive behavioral therapy—to work through it completely transformed how I think about and view my body. I believe if I could overcome body dysmorphia, so can you.

How We Can Rewrite the Script on What It Means to Be Beautiful
We've been indoctrinated with messages of what it means to be beautiful. Let's examine the impact of beauty standards and how we can rewrite the script on what it means to be beautiful.